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Composer Index
Use the alphabet to browse composers alphabetically by last name
Caro Churchill
Dee C’rell
J Cabon
Anthony Caesar
Joel Cahen
Vincent H.P. Caillard
Edward Caine
Rodrigo B. Camacho
Francis Cameron
Gordon Cameron
John Cameron
James Cameron
Charles Camilleri
Sidney S. Campbell
William Campbell
Ewan Campbell
Rob Campion
Andrew Campling
C.F.Chudleigh Candish
Philip Cannon
Stephanie Cant
Denis Capes
Alfredo Caponnetto
Sulyen R Caradon
Gila Carcas
John Cardale
Cornelius Cardew
P.A. Cardew
James D. Carey
Liam Carey
Liam Carey
David Carhart
Giorgio Carlino
Malcolm Carlton
John Russell Carmichael
Mary Grant Carmichael
William Carnell
Gary Carpenter
Paul Carr
Peter H. Carr
Rae Carr
Edwin Carr
Gordon Carr
Howard Carr
Mark George Carroll
Thomas Carroll
Adam Carse
Calum Carswell
Andrew Carter
Rosetta Carter
Sydney Carter
Yola Carter
Sara Carvalho
Doreen Carwithen
Tristram Cary
John Carol Case
Philip Cashian
Donald Cashmore
John Casken
Helen Caskie
Lawrence Casserley
G.W. Cassler
Nicholas Casswell
Philip B. Catelinet
Terence Cathrine
Richard Causton
Sam Cave
Yumi Hara Cawkwell
Ronald Center
Leo Chadburn
H.P. Chadwyck-Healey
Francis Chagrin
Tom Challenger
Kenneth Chalmers
Nick Chamberlain
Ronald Chamberlain
Herbert A. Chambers
David Ho-yi Chan
Mary Chandler
Nicola Chang
Michael Chant
Richard Chanter
Chandra Chapman
Gary Chapman
Duncan Chapman
Edward Chapman
Joyce Chapman
Herbert Chappell
Brian Chapple
Manos Charalabopoulos
Kai Chareunsy
Achraf charif
Alan Charlton
Michael Charnell-White
Chloe Charody
Stephen Chase
Maddy Chassar-Hesketh
The Loathsome Worm
Alan Chen
KC Cheng
May Chi
Bob Chilcott
Erik Chisholm
Derek Chivers
N.F. Chivers
Nicholas Choveaux
George Christofi
Georgios Christofi
Cyril Stanley Christopher
Christopher Churcher
Richard Churches
Gordon Churchyard
Elizabeth Olivia Sempill Chute
Alessandro Ciccarelli
Lucy Claire
Seán Clancy
James Clapperton
Paul Clark
Philip Clark
Harold Clark
John Clark
Peter Clark
Ian Clarke
James Clarke
James Kenelm Clarke
Michael Clarke
Keith Clarke
Keith Robert Clarke
Nigel Clarke
Rebecca Clarke
Rhona Clarke
Symon Clarke
Dave Clarkson
Andrew Claxton
Paul Clay
Frederick Clay
Alasdair Clayre
Jelly Cleaver
Montagu Cleeve
Dominy Clements
John Clements
Rosie Clements
Gareth Clemson
Sarah Clevely
Frederic Cliffe
Hubert J. Clifford
Geoff Cloke
Catherine Clover
Leon Clowes
Trish Clowes
Humphrey Clucas
Anna Clyne
Albert Coates
Eric Coates
Leon Coates
Douglas Coates
Norman Cocker
Gerald Cockshott
Philip Codd
Michael Coe
Pete Coe
Alan Cohen
Eta Cohen
Jacques Cohen
Daniel Patrick Cohen
R. Sacheverell Coke
Tim Coker
Richard Coldman
Rupert Cole
Bruce Cole
Hugo Cole
Keith Ramon Cole
William Cole
Rupert Cole (Hylopath)
Jonathan Cole
Ellen Coleman
Henry Coleman
Avril Coleridge-Taylor
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
Ruby Colley
Graham Collier
Geoffrey Collings
Maria Collings
Lawrance Collingwood
Rebecca Louise Collins
Anthony Collins
John Henn Collins
Sarah Collins
Francis Collinson
Thomas Henry Collinson
Ryan Collis
Christie Collis
Sara Colman
Tony Colman
Leslie Condon
Adrian Connell
Justin Connolly
Bill Connor
Stace Constantinou
Joe Conway
John Cook
Martin Cook
James Cook
Melville Cook
Jamie Cook
James Cook
Richard Cooke
Arnold Cooke
Deryck Cooke
Greville Cooke
Richard Cooke
Douglas Coombes
John Coombs
David Coonan
John Cooney
David Cooper
James Cooper
Joseph Cooper
Timothy Cooper
Lindsay Cooper
Ed Cooper
Sophie Cooper
Rosalie Coopman
G. Coorf
Cecil Cope
Ian Alfred Copley
Peter Copley
Geoffrey Corbett
Chris Corcoran
Frank Corcoran
Frank Cordell
Frederick Corder
Paul Corder
Peter T. Cork
Stephen Cornford
Marisa Cornford
Ronald Corp
Vivienne Corringham
Alfred Corum
Patricia Cory
Tom Coult
Kate Courage
Marie Cowan
Alexander Cowdell
Peter Cowdrey
Frederick H. Cowen
Edward Cowie
Colin E. Cowles
Philip Cowlin
Alison Cox
David Cox
Geoffrey Cox
James Cox
Noel Cox
Sally Cox
Lol Coxhill
Christopher Coxon
Peter Coyte
Tara Cr
Martyn Craft
Laurence Crane
Philip Cranmer
Robert Crawford
Thomas J Crawley
Janet Craxton
James M. Creed
John Creed
Robert Crehan
P.G. Creighton
Lyell Cresswell
John Croft
Jamie Crofts
Sidney S. Crook
Billy Crook
Felix Cross
Gordon Crosse
Neil Crossland
Andrew Crossley
Peter Crossley-Holland
Stephen Crowe
Steve Crowther
Adrian Cruft
Peter Crump
Paul Crunden-White
Michael Cryne
Michael Csanyi-Wills
Doug Thomas
Jeremy Cull
Tom Cullivan
Eleanor Cully Boehringer
Simon Cummings
Edric Cundell
Robert Cundick
The Dyr Sister
Jessica Curry
Frederic Curzon
Arthur Custer
Joe Cutler
Chris Cutler
Gareth Cutter
Michael Cutting