Orpheus Down

Browse Works


Additional Information

I have long been fascinated by the story of Orpheus’ journey to the Underworld to bring his lover Eurydice back from the dead. When Gareth Davis and Dario Calderone suggested that I compose a large-scale duo for their beautifully low instruments I immediately thought of using the myth, with its accompanying themes of deep and dark, as inspiration. The resulting work "Orpheus Down" (2021) consists of ten movements, each relating to a specific part of Orpheus’ journey.
1. [0'00"] Mourning Song (Orpheus, bereft, sings snatches of a melody while the rain gently falls)
2. [7'31"] The Crossing (Charon’s oar creaking while he ferries his nervous passenger, occasionally humming to himself)
3. [12'02"] Descent (our protagonist’s fearful journey down to Hades is echoed in the double bass’s long glissando);
4. [17'13"] Sentinels (Orpheus must placate the fearsome, many-headed Cerberus)
5. [21'46"] At the Gates (shock and awe at the entrance to Hades)
6. [24'35"] Passing Ghosts (he encounters some of Hades’ inhabitants)
7. [28'32"] Entreaty (Orpheus must persuade the ruler of the Underworld through his playing to release Eurydice)
8. [33'02"] Towards the Light (the slow journey upwards, one behind the other)
9. [38'01"] The Losing Again (Orpheus replays in his mind over and over, unbelieving, his folly in looking behind)
10. [43'17"] To Sing Forever (the Maenads tear Orpheus to pieces but his head continues to sing as it floats off to Lesbos.).

"Orpheus Down" makes much use of extended playing techniques, controlled improvisation, and the vast experience of the two marvellous performers. The music seeks the emotional heart of each scene but at the same time embraces painting pictures and evoking atmospheres – indeed, could almost be seen as a series of studies in colour and sonority. Through the aggregation of dark hues, emotional gestures and narrative signposts a journey results, echoing that of Orpheus in some elemental way. Orpheus Down was written with funding support from the Arts Council of Ireland.
This album recording was released on Farpoint Recordings on April 10th 2024. (Ian Wilson)






Date published
April 2024
Date recorded
December 2022
Gareth David, bass clarinet & Dario Calderone, double bass
Record company
Farpoint Recordings (Ireland)
Orpheus Down
Studio Z, Amsterdam/NL