Introduction & Capriccio Yng Nghaer Arianrhod - In Arianrhod's Court



Additional Information

Introduction & Capriccio - Yng Nghaer Arianrhod - In Arianrhod's Court for flute and harp

Yng Nghaer Arianrhod is cast in, more or less,  one span with practically all of the thematic and harmonic material presented in the opening Introduction.  A fantasy piece, inspired by the magic and myth of Welsh Goddess Arianrhod, this Introduction and Capriccio doesn't tell a sequential story, though some important parts of her tale are present.  On a technical note, each passing section is in proportion to its neighbour (as with the Platonic divided-line) with the metre of each section contracting with each evolution as the music speeds up, and certain harmonic clinches (particularly the interior inversion of the minor 2nd/augmented 4th within an encompassing 5th - an important esoteric hieroglyph) and key relationships where nothing appears to be what it is (always characteristic of harp-writing), might possibly be of interest to students, though none of this is meant to be at all discerned by the listener.

An audio recording (mp3 MIDI realization) can be found at

A separate instrumental part for flute is available.  Please contact the composer.

This score is offered under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence.  All performances, broadcast and recordings must be logged with the PRS.

