Lux Aeterna John Webb Browse Works Introduction and Allegro Hommage frais Concerto Three Short Tone-Poems Four Bagatelles Prelude and Chaconne Sans Noir White Stones Barcarolle Caribbean Dawn and Celebration, A Into his Marvellous Light Sextet Sans Noir Hop bodee boody's Last Will and Testament Masque String Quartet - Cries of London PUMP Here's fine rosemary, sage and thyme. . . Five Atmospheres Six Love Songs Ebb and Floe Cabinet Of Pleasure, A Salad Bowl racconto d'amore a due, un ..into a several world.. Chapel Songs 1 & 2 Phone Call, The Lux Aeterna Solace Miscellany in 3 Parts, A If music and sweet poetry agree Surge Lionhunt! Sleep, Baby Sleep Snowcakes and Snowcastles Instrumentation Choir 1 Details Year Wednesday, January 1, 2003 - 12:00 Publisher Contemporary Voices (BMIC)