scintilla Sam Hayden Browse Works Ulterior Motives mv Picking up the Pieces Time is money Bleeding Chunk AXE(S) Piano Moves Remembering J Partners in Psychopathology Almost Enough Sleaze Sparkles Abstraction dB [I - VII] ... still time ... ... you don't know what you've got 'til its gone ... After The Event ERG[O] Three Pieces Collateral Damage [re]construction Intransigence/Onverzettelijk presence/absence Exordium Le Retour la Raison Retaliation Recoil Actio Sunk Losses Anthem Fragment (After Losses) Sunk Losses (extended version) system/error Emergence Relative Autonomy Impetus ERG[O] II ..still time.. Anthem II Substratum refract scintilla Chorale for David schismatics Die Modularitäten (Modularities) Permutazioni / a caso Instrumentation Harpsichord 1 Details Year Monday, January 1, 2007 - 12:00 Publisher Contemporary Voices (BMIC)