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In The Rose Apple Grove is a setting of a spontaneous poem recited by King Indrabhuti to the Buddha. Having asked the Buddha for his advice on how to attain Buddhahood, Gautama said '...abandon sense pleasure...' The king responded by asking is there a way to attain Buddhahood through enjoyment.
'In the Rose Apple Grove so joyful to experience.
Even if I were to become a fox in my next life,
A liberation that abandons the sense pleasures
I could never desire, O Gautama'
Despite initially looking brash, King Indrabhuti's words are profound, highlighting how you cannot escape the world if you attain enlightenment. He also asks the question is enlightenment worth attaining if it makes us detached from our fellow man. From this King Indrabhuti attained enlightenment and was bestowed all of the tantras which he taught to his whole kingdom of Uddiyana.
Finalist in Vox Juventis 2016