Statue Circle

Additional Information

<p><a href="/\/?page=resources/scores/statuecirclescore.pdf\" target="\&quot;_blank\&quot;">Click here</a> <a href="/\" target="\&quot;_blank\&quot;"> </a> to download an extract of the score in PDF format. <br />NB: This extract is re-produced for preview purposes only. If you would like to see the full score of this work call the spnm ofice on 020 7407 1640 or email</p>
<p>The piece is designed as an arch in five parts where the music begins and ends in the same place. The first two parts of the piece trace a journey around the outside of an imaginary circle and cross into the centre in part three at the mid-point of the piece. The return journey around the inside of the circle in parts four and five culminates by reaching the crossing point of the outward journey and emerges again outside the circle.</p>
<p>The piece is constructed by using blocks of related but contrasting material which reappear in interlocking cycles rather like statues observed on the journey around the circle. The music at the centre of the imaginary circle (part three) is very different from what has gone before and what follows. The centre of the circle represents another world."</p>

