John Aulich is a British composer whose works are performed internationally, including in the United Kingdom, United States, Israel, Thailand, Australia, and Italy, by world-renowned performers such as ELISION Ensemble and International Contemporary Ensemble. John’s work is characterized by evocative, highly-charged and volatile sound-worlds stemming from the physicality of performance, and often inspired by surrealist art and literature, science fiction and ancient mythology. His oeuvre as a whole takes as its first principle the idea that composing, performing and listening is a lived, embodied and physical experience. A particular focus of his latest work is abject, disgusting and surreal sound-worlds, conveyed in part through a contortion of the listener’s sense of space and perspective through orchestration and electronics.
John completed his PhD under the auspices of David Felder at the University at Buffalo in New York, where he was a Presidential Fellow. He completed his Master's degree at the University of Huddersfield with Aaron Cassidy and Bryn Harrison. His string quartet, slacken tired shrouds, was shortlisted for the 2022 MIVOS/Kanter prize. His work has been performed at MATA Festival, CEME, Deep Minimalism, Bendigo and June in Buffalo. On his return to the UK, he was selected as a member of LSO Soundhub.
United Kingdom