Cassandra Miller is a London based Composer and Associate Head of Composition at Guildhall School of Music and Drama.
Her notated compositions (About Bach, Duet for Cello and Orchestra and Phillip the Wanderer) explore transcription as a creative process through which the expressive vocal qualities of pre-existing music are both magnified and transfigured. Cassandra's non notated compositions take shape through collaborations with other solo musicians.
Cassandra's approach to composition combines automatic singing and mimicry.
Over the last 15 years Cassandra has received over 25 professional commisions from soloists, ensembles and orchestras both in Canada and Europe.
After 20 years in the field, Cassandra returned to academic research in 2014. Her doctoral research at the University of Huddersfield explored trascription and other transformative methods as compositional processes and compositional engagements with varied notions of voice and vocality.